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HOPE 11-11

On November 11th we will come together to amplify and celebrate HOPE.

This is a free virtual global event to celebrate hope. This day-long event will feature interviews with inspiring thought leaders, messages of hope, uplifting music, and visionary art surrounding the keystone event, the GLOBAL HOPE MEDITATION.  On November 11th at 11:11 am MT (1:11 pm ET), we will gather as a global community to come together for a powerful moment in time to blast the encroaching pandemic of fear with a supernova of HOPE, protecting the balance of life at a pivotal moment in humanity’s history.

We are igniting the largest movement in human history and it starts with you!

We call on those passionate about living in a kind, sustainable, and thriving world to come together for this powerful event focused on generating a groundswell of hope for the future of humanity.

New Humanity Speaker’s Bureau

Rennie Davis knows the power of a movement to change the world. In October 2020 Netflix will be releasing a movie directed by Aaron Sorkin (the director of The West Wing) that takes a look at one of the most powerful events of that turbulent time, The Trial of the Chicago 7, in which Rennie was one of the defendants.   "Many of you know I was an activist in the 60s. I was a coordinator of the largest antiwar and civil rights coalition of that time. We put on big events. We put on an event in Chicago that more people watched than those who watched the first man landing on the moon. A public Gallup poll showed it changed the opinion of the public about the Vietnam War. One event! I organized the largest civil disobedience arrest in American history. It caused the Nixon White House to enter into an agreement, the Paris peace accords, with the Vietnamese. I organized a tour across the country with John Lennon. I was one of the Chicago 7.   I have been in amazing events that basically were about changing the world. Make the world a better place. " Rennie is such a darn good storyteller, and it's fun listening to him tell a lot of his 60s stories right now to the media knocking on our door.


Rennies Review of The Trial of The Chicago 7:  Part I

I want to start by thanking Stephen Spielberg and Aaron Sorkin for creating and producing this major work. This Dream Works movie was a long time coming but the final release was a timing of perfection. Any support we can give to today’s generation standing up to self-serving government authority is my reason for promoting this film.

This movie–as it stands–delivers a whole new meaning to how protest can put the U.S. government on trial. That’s what the Chicago 8 trial did and that’s what we need to do again today.

There was an earlier Hollywood film that took shape during the trial itself. Dustin Hoffman was chosen to play my role and he came to our courtroom numerous times to understand the defendants and their message. That film never got produced but it did suggest one good way to make this historic movie. Just tell the story of what actually happened without any fiction or made-up fluff. I always believed no film producer could do better than that. That approach was not the one taken by Aaron Sorkin, however. The Sorkin movie delivers an impactful drama but missed a golden opportunity….. READ MORE HERE


Rennie’s recommendation CHICAGO 10: for a more accurate representation of events: 



Available for speaking engagements and interviews

Rennie Davis: gifted and inspiring public speaker, author and futurist, Rennie was the coordinator of the largest antiwar and civil rights coalition in the 1960s. He was one of the Chicago 7 described by the NY Times as the most significant political trial in American history. He organized a demonstration in Chicago watched on television by more people than watched the moment the first man landed on the moon. He also organized the largest civil disobedience arrest in American history. When the Vice President of the United States called him “the most dangerous man in America,” all his friends celebrated his “academy award” of protest. In 1971, he partnered with John Lennon to end the war in Vietnam. Lennon urged him to learn meditation and be the change himself. In the 1980s, he became a financial consultant to Fortune 500 companies. in the 1990s, he took a five-day retreat to the bottom of the Grand Canyon that turned into four years. There he learned to become quiet and listen – deeply. He currently leads the New Humanity Academy Call to Evolve and Earth Whisperer Masterclasses and serves as Merlin mentor for high-level leaders and CEOs.

Kirsten Liegmann: Kirsten has spent most of her adult life working at the intersection of business, sustainability, and consciousness. With an MBA in Sustainable Management, she is a results-oriented systems designer with experience in managing the smallest details while inspiring the whole-picture mission. She is skilled in business management and continuous process improvement. She has designed and implemented fully interlinked online databases capable of tracking global organizational activities and complex data analysis. She has coordinated and supported organizations and people with broadspectrum knowledge in culture building, sustainability, and conscious business practices. She organized and directed her own successful business, was instrumental in the growth and development of an international online university, and is, with Rennie, the co-founder of the New Humanity ecosystem of businesses including New Humanity Ventures, New Humanity Wellbeing, New Humanity Living, and the Foundation for a New Humanity. She is a gifted speaker and lead teacher and head coach at the New Humanity Academy. In addition, she mentors conscious business owners and pioneers of the New Humanity on their journey to wake up 100% and create a thriving, sustainable world.

New Humanity Movement

Movements are a rare social phenomenon. When they occur, they can change everything. When young people take the lead in changing a society–like they did in the Sixties–they can change the world. As Millennials and Generation Z are called by events to stand up for humanity, they are not alone either. Many activists who fueled the Sixties will join in too.

Coalitions, networks, troubadours, organizers, musicians, speakers, activists, communities and families are at the starting gate—ready to rise to the occasion and change the outcome. Our unstoppable movement will gravitate towards two expressions: (1) those who will stand up for humanity and (2) those who will build a nation that does not perish from the Earth. It is essential both work together.



AWAKE 100 Training

AWAKE 100 Training (formerly known as LPT – Life Principle Training) offers a roadmap and framework of 13 carefully crafted Life Principles that serve as guide and support on your journey to 100% awake.

Experience who you truly are – a calm centered, empowered, purposeful, passion-filled human being, living in respect, appreciation and gratitude, abundance, and joy. These principles invite you to look at yourself and inspire you to experience a new way of living.  They open the door for you to face your most profound challenges without making yourself wrong or feeling guilty.  They help you answer your deepest questions and give you an inspiring new way to approach the endless drama and trauma that challenges families, communities, organizations, and nations.

The 13 Life Principles, taken to heart, support you in igniting your life with purpose and passion, banish drama and trauma, recover from depression, stop the judgment, end the blame, remove stress, worry, fear, and experience the magnificence of your Authentic Self.

Learn More

Know Your Self

Nation of Ilian

Creating a new nation on Earth is the guiding star of the New Humanity. The nation of Ilian holds the grand vision to build a global nation that can solve humanity’s biggest problems. Ilian is the decision of a new generation to cut the Gordian knot on humanity’s unsustainable ways and unlock the prison of the entire human condition with a quantum evolutionary leap in awareness. Ilian is the decision to question, re-think and re-design every established unsustainable and life-destroying practice of our global society. Ilian serves as our global tent for implementing regenerative practices, and assembling whole system solutions and breakthrough technologies that can help empower our dream to live and thrive sustainability. The Nation of Ilian is the profound and timely decision to come together and change the world. To build this vision, various projects are envisioned or are underway.
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New Way of Living Showcase

A property is being developed that is designed to showcase whole system solutions for any individual, family, town, village, region or nation who wants to live and thrive. Breakthrough technologies new to the world will help transform human imagination about energy, construction, transportation, waste, batteries, healthcare, wellbeing, sustainability, local self-sufficiency, governance and a system of food production aligned with the intelligence of nature. Any region struggling to cope can live and thrive by adopting this model. Training and education will be integral components of the Showcase design.



New Humanity WellBeing

We face a health crisis of epic proportions. Chronic pain and illnesses are on the rise; opioid addiction is sky-rocketing, the war on bacteria is backfiring with the appearance of antibiotic-resistant super bugs, healthcare costs are spiraling out of control; and pharmaceutical drugs are poisoning our bodies and the Earth. We need a new beyond-meds global wellness system designed for Ultimate wellbeing that is based on encrypted, decentralized blockchain technology and backed by a sovereign wellness economy. This wellness ecosystem is supported by a diverse network of natural health practitioners along with Heal Thyself Diagnostic technology new to the world, breakthrough energy medicine, and the vast medicine cabinet of the intelligence of nature. It is time to focus on regenerating our bodies, minds, and spirits. The New Humanity must have the strength, health, and resilience necessary to navigate a time of challenge and change.

Earth Whisperer Training & Research Center

The Earth Whisperer Research and Training Center is designed to support the person who wants to uncover and cultivate their hidden Earth talents and make a quantum leap in their abilities to communicate and work with the Earth.

An Earth Whisperer has realized the Earth is self-aware. Whenever people have lived close to the Earth, following the cycles of nature, there were Aborigines, shamans, medicine men and intuitive people who could talk with the Earth. To become an Earth Whisperer is to return to that ancient wisdom.

An Earth Whisperer senses the ‘Earth issue’ is today’s defining issue. They feel drawn to support the Earth by accessing their own latent talents to make rain, create ozone for the atmosphere, send Life into the Earth’s core, pull negative human thought debris out of the soil and water and receive in-coming Earth events such as earthquakes and tsunamis before they arrive.

The Earth Whisperer learns to understand the meaning of and support the planet during her time of rebalancing.  Earth Whisperers also create a pathway out of humanity’s historic Earth mismanagement.